Ettore Bianco
Ettore Bianco received a Bachelor's and MSc. in electrical engineering in the area of “electric powertrain modeling and validation” from Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy. His focus during his MSc was on the modeling and validation of electric powertrain components and electric motor control. In November 2021 he started his PhD in Engineering Science at Politecnico di Torino in collaboration between the mechanical department and the electrical department; his research interests include systems reliability, components and powertrain modeling, accurate and fault tolerant controls, digital twin for electric powertrains in the automotive field. The final experimental tests of his PhD will be performed with EPOWERS-Efficient Power Electronics, Powertrain and Energy Solutions-Research Group, MOBI Research Center, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium testing a fault-tolerant motor control in the Powertrain Innovation Lab.
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