In the future, our energy network will look different. Large centralized production plants are increasingly being replaced by distributed and renewable energy sources such as windmills and solar panels. The boundary between traditional energy producers and consumers is blurring. We are all becoming more and more 'prosumers' in a highly digitized energy network, in which so-called energy communities will play a role.
This evolution offers the possibility to various companies active in Flanders to bring innovative products to the market. They can count on the support of the VUB. Some 30 researchers from the EVERGI team within MOBI are working on technologies for energy communities, microgrids and the intelligent grid. EVERGI works closely with the Green Energy Park, a large-scale testing ground under construction of the VUB and UZ Brussel for energy and mobility transition, the hospital of the future and smart regions.
Learn more about the living labs of VUB and the EVERGI team of MOBI for energy and mobility transition in the last episode of KanaalZ Z-Innovation https://bit.ly/3deZ5cj on Youtube: