Dr. Mohammed Mahedi Hasan
Mohammed Mahedi Hasan received his M.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering from the American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, in 2006, and his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia, United States of America, in 2002. He worked as an Electronics Engineer at the Research & Development Center, UAE Armed Forces, between 2007 and 2012; and between 2014 and 2018, he worked as a Lecturer in private universities in Bangladesh. He obtained his PhD in Engineering Science (with highest honors) from Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels, Belgium in January 2024. He now works as a post-doctoral researcher in EPOWERS team, MOBI research group, VUB. He has been involved with various European projects, including ASSURED, LONGRUN, URBANIZED, EBRT2030. His research interests include heavy duty vehicle powertrain modelling, co-design optimization, energy & thermal & charging management strategies, and digital twin design and development utilizing IoT framework. He is the main author of more than 10 research publications.
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1050 Brussels