Prof. Dr. Maarten Messagie
Maarten Messagie has a PhD in engineering sciences with a focus on the life cycle sustainability of electric vehicles, batteries and energy systems. He is an international recognized expert in the domain and was a visiting researcher at NTNU (Trondheim), DTU, (Aalborg), Chalmers (Goteborg), Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (Paris) and the JRC (Petten).
In 2018 he founded a new research group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel to support the transition towards sustainable systems. Today he is the academic co-director of this group, named EVERGi. The interdisciplinary research group EVERGi combines knowledge from engineering, environmental, social, economic and data science with 30 dedicated researchers to develop new digital innovations for sustainable multi-vector systems (electricity, water, heat, cooling, data, mobility, hydrogen, efuels, …). EVERGi develops and operates together with the ‘Green Energy Park’ a co-creation living lab, demonstrating real-life applications of crucial elements in the energy transition including for instance the integration of electric (and automated) vehicles, with local energy communities and thermal grids. Thanks to its IoT based data platform and a digital twin simulation environment EVERGi continuously improves their data driven models for optimal design and self-learning techniques for operational management. Messagie is scientific promotor of 30+ running projects (including many in the framework of HORIZON2020).
His research interest is on how to accelerate with innovation, interdisciplinary sciences, co-creation ecosystems and living labs the transition towards sustainable systems. He is an expert in sustainable energy and electric mobility and in (re)designing products, processes and systems to optimize the environmental, social and economic potential along their full supply chain.
About EVERGi:
How we support the acceleration of the energy transition:
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels