Who can fill in the questionnaire?
If you are someone who normally (before the corona crisis) stays at home (no outdoor travels) for two days a week or more, please complete this questionnaire. We only examine the answers of people who travel to places (work, shops, hobbies, family or friends, ...) for a maximum of five days a week. It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
The questionnaire consists of 3 parts:
- General questions about yourself and your family (19 questions);
- Questions about your transport options (before corona) (9 questions);
- Questions on the impact of the corona (COVID-19) crisis on your transport options (during corona) (5 questions).
If there are questions you would rather not answer, you can choose 'I'd rather not say'. We would still like to ask you to truthfully fill in as many questions as possible. Thank you very much for taking the time to do so.
Among the participants, 25 participants will receive a voucher (30 euros credit at HEMA). To be eligible for a voucher, you must give a valid answer to all questions. To have a chance to win a voucher, you must also leave your email address. Your email address will ONLY be used to notify you if you win. You can also leave your email address so that we can keep you informed about the survey.
Purpose of the questionnaire
This questionnaire is a collaboration between Ghent University (Dirk Lauwers, Sidharta Gautama, Frank Witlox), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Kobe Boussauw, Imre Keserü, Koos Fransen), the University of Antwerp (Thomas Vanoutrive), the University of Toronto Scarborough (Steven Farber, Matthew Palm), the Sustainable Mobility Network (Miguel Vertriest) and Mobiel 21 (Anke Bracke). Together we want to define indicators of transport poverty in Belgium to advise policy. Your participation in the questionnaire makes this research possible. This questionnaire is not only about the corona (COVID-19) crisis, but we would also like to ask some questions about it.
We respect your privacy
We process your answers anonymously. Individual answers will not be published, only the aggregated answers of a large group of people. Nobody will know that you are taking part in this survey and what your answers to the questions are. The answers to the questionnaire are only available to researchers within the project and are not shared with other parties.
Thank you very much for your participation!
To complete the survey, click here.