EVERGi Research Group (Part of MOBI Electromobility research Centre), is leading the groundbreaking REFORMERS initiative as part of the Horizon Europe program.
The EVERGi Research Group, proudly announces the launch of the REFORMERS project, an ambitious undertaking that marks Vrije Universiteit Brussel's most significant venture of 2023. With an impressive budget of €20 million and a coalition of 28 partners spanning 10 countries, this groundbreaking initiative is set to redefine the landscape of renewable energy in Europe.
Wednesday the 22nd and Thursday the 23rd of November 2023 were marked by the official kick-off the REFORMERS project. The Horizon Europe funded project of a duration of five years focuses on the development, realization and roll-out of the so called “Renewable Energy Valleys” (REVs). The REVs aim to increase energy security while accelerating the green transition in Europe while they contribute to the #REPowerEU goals of 1) ramping up the green energy production, 2) diversifying our energy supplies and 3) reducing the dependence on fossil fuels.
A satellite view of Europe’s
first Renewable Energy Valley located between the city of Alkmaar and the adjacent village of Heiloo in the Netherlands. This #Flagship Valley of the project comprises business park Boekelermeer (blue), bordered on the north by dense residential area (purple), light residential area on the west side (yellow) and light industrial area in Heiloo (red), and rural areas on the east side (green).
REFORMERS’ Flagship Valley is characterized by the presence of existing natural gas infrastructure, a bio-energy plant, and the localization of Energy Innovation Park Alkmaar to foster renewable energy innovations. Alongside five functional blocks, called Renewable Energy Valley Tracks (REVTs), the Flagship Valley will:
demonstrate renewable energy technologies to increase the RES (REVT#1).
convert, store, and distribute renewable energy carriers (such as biomethane, electricity, hydrogen, and heat) (REVT#2).
replace fossil fuel usage for end users (REVT#3).
monitor, optimize and control the energy flows (REVT#4).
incorporate financial, legal, and social dimensions (REVT#5).
contribute to Alkmaar’s overall mission of 100% sustainable energy target by 2050.
The developments within the Flagship Valley will be meticulously followed by six satellite valleys spread around Europe. These valleys will use the lessons learned from the flagship
and replicate its successful strategies to create their own Renewable Energy Valley. Finally, REFORMERS will develop, test and exploit a toolbox and digital twin to identify the best solutions and constantly improve towards self-sustaining Energy Valleys.
The kick-off meeting was organized and hosted by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Project Coordinator, and the New Energy Coalition, Flagship Valley Coordinator, in Alkmaar. The Alderman of the Municipality of Alkmaar, also an active Partner of the Consortium, welcomed the representatives of 28 Partners from 10 countries (AIT, Duurzaam Heiloo, CERTH, CIRCE, KONIN-MIASTO, DDS, EUREC, NAPE, RISE, TNO, Deep Blue, Municipality of Andorra, TU Delft, Municipality of Kozani, Municipality of Murau, Alliander N.V., Municipality of Alkmaar, HVC, Hynoca Alkmaar, InVesta, Sustenso Boekelermeer, Repowered, Withthegrid, NXT MOBILITY, STOFF2 GmbH, EMPA). After the introductory sessions and the presentation of the project objectives and overview, the main highlight of the day took place: a bus tour and site visits alongside the Flagship Valley. The second day was dedicated to the presentation of the upcoming research activity, in which the different work package leaders presented the specific objectives and implementation plans towards the end goal of the project: an operational energy valley that benefits stakeholders and users and contributes to #REPowerEU.
For any further information please contact:
Coordination team manager:
Stella Arapoglou, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Communication and Dissemination team manager:
Rebecca Hueting, Deep Blue Italy