1. NEXT GENERATIONNext-generation battery technologies including solid-state battery and Li-Sulfur battery lacks a complete understanding of the underlying physics. Besides, there is a tremendous need to maintain the battery value chain and reduce the critical resources in Li-ion battery technology. Through indepth characterization and mechanical modelling, we aim to elucidate the fundamental understanding, utilization of high voltage cathodes with a reduced Co amount and Si anodes in the battery technology. Link to projects: |
2. Manufacturing & UPSCALINGBattery cell fabrication know-how is key to performance development. In particular, the fabrication of all-solid-state batteries poses a significant challenge. Thanks to the battery fabrication research line in our dry room, we are working towards a scalable and optimized fabrication process for all-solid-state batteries. We also aim to eliminate the toxic components in battery assembly processes and research on alternative solutions for a greener production. Link to projects: |
3. CHARACTERIZATIONUsing advanced battery cyclers and climate chambers available in BIC, all sets of standardized characterization tests are performed on commercially available and first-generation battery cells. Such tests are essential to study battery behavior and to achieve accurate models. The discharge capacity, Open Circuit Voltage (OCV), Electrochemical Impendence Spectroscopy (EIS), Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization, Micro-pulse (for thermal characterization) and lifetime (cycle and calendar life) tests are among the fundamental profiles. Link to projects: |
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4. MODELLINGDetailed battery models are essential for energy storage studies, implementations, and control thus BIC provides numerous battery modeling solutions for high power/high energy Li-ion batteries, applicable from cell to pack levels. Advanced model validation tools are exploited on all electrical and thermal models to ensure maximum accuracy and robustness.
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5. THERMAL MANAGEMENT & COOLING SYSTEMSBIC team is expert in thermal characterization and developing advanced 1D and 3D thermal and electro-thermal models for Li-ion batteries on cell, module and pack levels. BIC team offers a wide range of activities on design, implementation, modelling and experimental validation of various active and passive thermal management strategies for batteries such as air cooling, liquid cooling, phase change materials (PCM), and heat pipes. BIC thermal management experts also develop the state-of-the-art and energy efficient hybrid thermal management systems by integrating the passive and active cooling systems.
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6. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSVarious efficient controlling algorithms are being defined by the researchers in Battery Innovation Centre to cover crucial tasks of BMS development for energy storage systems. The controllers are implemented into lab-scale prototype units or into hardware/software in the loop. The covered aspects include and are not limited to:
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7. BATTERY SIZING & AgeingTailored battery storage systems are designed for specific automotive and stationary energy storage sytems. Reconfiguration of battery topologies is also another BIC activity which fits in this domain to achieve maximum modularity, performance, and safety. Link to projects: |
8. VEHICLE-TO-GRID & BATTERY AGEINGInvestigation on ageing performance of the battery to grid interaction, based on smart concepts such as the power/energy exchange between electric vehicles and the local network. Link to projects: |
9. SECOND LIFE & Post MortemThe Battery Innovation Centre has been actively studying the second life behavior such as capacity fade and resistance increase of vehicle-retired batteries and looks into the KPIs for safe operation. Link to projects: |